April 28, 2024

How to Stay Motivated to Work Out: Your Lagree Fitness Guide

By Danielle Rosario

Let’s be honest — whether you’re a newbie to the fitness world or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, finding workout motivation can be challenging. And once you do find it, how to stay motivated to work out, in the long run, is the ultimate challenge. 

There will be days, maybe even weeks or months, where your fitness motivation is nowhere to be found. You have no desire to work out. The mere thought of it is dreadful. In life,  these periods require us to give ourselves a little extra push. Here’s the secret — go back to your WHY.

Ask yourself why you work out. Or why fitness is an important aspect of your life. Is it because it makes you feel stronger? Does it energize and excite you? Is it because you want to feel confident when you put on a bathing suit? Do you want to lose weight and be healthier? Does working out empower you?

Whatever your why is, remember to remind yourself of it — especially when you’re lacking fitness motivation. Your why is the fuel behind how to stay motivated to work out. It’s what will help you get that workout in, despite not being in the mood or feeling motivated to do so.

Luckily, there are many things you can do to boost your workout motivation. We’re going to share ten ways to help you stay motivated to work out so you can be the best and healthiest version of yourself.

1. Give Yourself a Pep Talk

We are used to encouraging our loved ones to do things that are good for them, but what about ourselves? You should treat yourself with the same love and compassion you give your friends and family. So that means giving yourself a pep talk may help get you in the mood to work out when you’re feeling lazy. It might be just what you need to give you some workout motivation when skipping it seems like the more favorable option.

The European Journal of Social Psychology published a study that shows that talking to yourself in the second person “strengthens both actual behavior performance and prospective behavioral intentions more than first-person self-talk.”1  So, next time you need some fitness motivation, look in the mirror. Be sure to give that amazing person staring back at you some encouraging words.

2. Reevaluate Your Fitness Goals

If you’ve been in the fitness game for some time, you can benefit from reflecting on your fitness goals and progress — or lack thereof. Think back to when you first started working out. What was your initial goal? Was it to lose ten pounds by your wedding day? To strengthen your core to help minimize lower back pain? To tone your arms so you can show off those sculpted bad boys in a tank top this summer?

Whatever your reason — consider whether or not you achieved that goal. If you succeeded, did you manage to keep the ten pounds off? Or maintain that core strength? Or continue to sculpt those arms come winter? If not, what got in your way? The following are a few common reasons people fail to reach and sustain their fitness goals:2

  • Not having enough time and being too busy
  • Too restrictive of a diet
  • Feeling too tired and a lack of energy
  • Not knowing how to exercise properly to reach the desired goal

Figure out what obstacles got in your way and then alter your action plan. You want to make it more realistic and sustainable. And keep changing it until you find what works best for you. Refresh that fitness motivation and get moving.

3. Find a New Reason to Exercise

Sometimes knowing that something is good for us in the long run isn’t enough to motivate us to take action in the moment. So what if you find a new reason to go work out?

Think of something unrelated to fitness that you enjoy. Create a pump-up playlist of your favorite songs you can listen to when you hit the gym. Or go for a hike at sunset to catch the beautiful golden hour views3.

Finding joy in the little things makes a world of difference. Try using these as a means to work out.

4. Try New Activities

Switch up your fitness routine and try something new. If you’re trying to figure out how to stay motivated to work out — this is a fun way to do so.

ClassPass is a great option for exploring different types of workouts. Some popular classes include HIIT boot camps, Lagree, spin, yoga, pilates, and barre. But if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you could opt for something outside of the traditional realms of exercise, such as a pole class or a salsa dance class.2

Sports are another great way to find workout motivation and burn some calories. Try playing a sport you never played as a kid. Tennis, basketball, and soccer are a few great examples.

Don’t forget to take advantage of seasonal outdoor activities as well. From swimming and surfing in the summer to skiing and ice-skating in the winter — your choices for activities are endless4.

Changing your go-to workout prevents your fitness routine from becoming boring over time. Plus, any opportunity to try something new is always an exciting adventure.

5. Take Group Classes in a Local Fitness Club

Once you explore a few different types of group exercise classes, find a local fitness club that specializes in that particular workout. Many people aren’t motivated to work out on their own, and group classes are the perfect solution.

When I’m on the Megaformer, and the Lagree shake has taken control of my body, a glance over at my classmate next to me killing it reminds me to push through and not give up.

Not to mention, investing financially into a class package at your local fitness studio increases your motivation to stay committed to your workout. You’re less likely to skip it when you paid for the class and can’t get a refund.

6. Join a Fitness Challenge

Combine an accountability partner with a fitness challenge to level up that workout motivation. You can find various fitness challenges via social media.

This is an awesome option — especially if you’re anything like me and have a competitive streak in you. A little healthy competition is beneficial when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. Who doesn’t want to be a winner?

7. Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

All the ways to stay motivated to work out that we’ve discussed so far require you to push yourself in one way or another. And when it comes to self-improvement and reaching personal goals, pushing yourself is non-negotiable. But only to a certain extent...

You are more likely to burn out if you push yourself too hard. Make sure to listen to your body — it’s important to rest when necessary. You'll increase your risk of injury if you don’t let your body heal or force yourself to work out when you’re not feeling well or sleep-deprived.

Know your limits. You’re better off taking a rest day or opting for active recovery than ending up injured. An injury could put you out of the fitness game for weeks or even months.

8. Stay Accountable

Finding a way to stay accountable when it comes to your fitness goals is yet another way to help yourself stay motivated to work out. Writing your goals down has been proven to increase your chances of success in achieving them.

Take pen to paper and jot down your current fitness goals on a piece of paper. Then, place it somewhere you’ll see it every single day. This serves as a constant reminder to hold yourself accountable.

Finding an accountability partner is another popular method for staying on track with your goals. Sometimes it’s easier to keep our word when we involve someone else. For instance, I’m more likely to stay accountable for reaching a goal when I share it with a friend than keep it to myself. Not only do I not want to disappoint myself, but I don’t want to let my friend down, either.

Share your goal with a buddy and encourage each other to work towards it.

9. Treat Yourself

Rewards for good behavior and hard work aren’t only for kids. You deserve to treat yourself from time to time for your dedication and commitment to fitness. It’s also an extra incentive to increase your workout motivation — focus on what you get to enjoy after you hit a particular fitness goal you set.

And it’s important to celebrate the small wins towards any major goal you strive for. Don’t restrict treats just for the big accomplishments. Divide your ultimate fitness goal into mini-goals and enjoy little rewards along the way. It might be indulging in your favorite cheat day meal or buying yourself a new workout outfit. There’s no right or wrong answer — go with your favorites and whatever inspires you.

10. Find a New Fitness Community (Hint: the Lagree Community is Pretty Awesome)

Being part of a supportive community is one of the most beneficial things in life. And it’s no different when it comes to fitness. Sometimes surrounding yourself with people who share your interests is enough to help you stay motivated to work out.

Find a fitness community near you — try your local boutique gym or the Pilates studio down the street. If you have trouble deciding on one, choose one that includes your favorite workout.

Today, the Lagree community is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. If you want an exciting, dynamic full-body workout and a support system of people who love building strength while nourishing their mind-body connection — look no further. Find a studio near you and join the Lagree community.


Exercising in and of itself is no easy task, and when you factor in figuring out how to stay motivated, it adds another level of challenge. Give yourself some tough love — you got this.

Hopefully, this article helps you discover a few ways that you want to utilize to keep your workout motivation high. And if you’re feeling inspired now, take action and plan for your next workout. Sign up for your first Lagree Fit 415 class — it’s a fantastic way to stay motivated to work out!


  1. European Journal of Social Psychology
  2. Verywell Fit
  3. Facet Seven Fitness
  4. Better Living