April 29, 2024

New Year's Resolutions - The Lagree Fit 415 Guide

If you’re reading this, WE MADE IT TO 2022! Most of us have set our New Years Resolutions and are preparing to check our accomplishments off the list.

We here at Lagree Fit 415 challenge you to take our 5 step guide on how to not only accomplish your goals, but CRUSH 'em.

Lagree Fit 415’s Guide to Conquering 2022:


Let’s start here. To achieve your goals, making a commitment is the first step. A commitment allows you the opportunity to shut-out potential doubts, silence any negative noise and keep yourself in a positive headspace. We make it easy to commit at Lagree Fit 415 - from our incredible team, beautiful studio, challenging workout and user-friendly app, we’ve made it possible to make the hardest step in this guide, achievable. 


We love this one. This is another mental aspect that is part of the process towards living a healthier, more fulfilling life. Maybe you’ve been taught that achievements in fitness should only be focused on the physical. Whaaaat? No way. Fitness should connect both your mind and body to work in sync together to make magic. We believe in always keeping it real - there will be times in your journey where you may not see physical results right away and we’re here to tell you that’s okay. Results will come (sooner than you think) but first you’ve got to turn on your inner confidence and allow it to shine on the outside. Our favorite part about The Lagree Method is that a big focus of the workout is geared towards alignment, posture, stability and control. These key elements will help you to stand taller and prouder while unleashing your newfound confidence from the inside out.


Once you start, you can’t stop! Habits can take around 21 days to form so it’s up to you to kick that habit into gear. However, the Lagree Method makes this easier for you because the workout is SO addicting and after one class, most people are instantly hooked since it’s unlike anything they’ve experienced before. We recommend starting with 2-3 classes a week to see how you feel and you can increase from there! Since classes are only 40 minutes, we make it easy for you to make fitness a priority with your schedule in mind.


You’re not alone! While this is your individual journey, having others around as a support system has been shown to increase the likelihood of meeting your goals. We all have hard days, and trust us, they will always be there, but having a friend, spouse or loved one who understands the importance of what you are trying to achieve is so important. At Lagree Fit 415 we don’t view those who come into our doors as clients - you’re family. The person on the machine next to you could easily become your future BFF (we’ve seen this happen many times) and we LOVE when relationships are made in the studio. This is group fitness and while we focus on the room as a whole, we’re here for you individually to help you kick ass! Our trainers and team are your biggest fans (besides you being your own #1 fan first and foremost).


“Ceeeeeelebrate good times, come on!” You know the song and you’re probably singing it right now after reading this, haha. But seriously, we LOVE to celebrate at LF415. Our app makes it easy for you to keep track of your class stats so you can visually see your progress. With those hard AF core exercises (plank to pike, anyone?), donkey kicks and tailbone biceps curls, celebrating your success will happen sooner than you think! We’re always cheering you on BUT we want you to make sure you’re recognizing your own success and being the best cheerleader for yourself that you can be. Celebrating your journey is part of the process and not taking this time may cause you to overlook your accomplishments and allow feelings of quitting to kick in. Celebrating sends signals to your brain that “something good is happening” and when this is associated with your intended goal, your brain will connect the dots and enhance your drive to keep moving forward. *Chorus on repeat*

If you couldn’t tell, we’re passionate about helping you reach your goals. Along with our new client BOGO deal where you get 2 classes for $25, this guide is a great reminder of how to keep going when the going (and scrambled eggs exercise) gets tough. We want to be part of your next steps - all you have to do is start with your COMMITMENT. We’ll help you with the rest.